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Cambridge English Language Assessment

Cambridge English Qualifications

C2 Proficiency (CPE)

C2 Proficiency Individual Training (CPE) - Online

5-Hour-Coaching Blocks - Anmeldung jederzeit möglich, flexibler Trainingsbeginn

  • Kursnummer: 82771
  • Online
frei , Einstieg jederzeit

Mit der Anmeldung stimmen Sie der Weitergabe Ihrer Mailadresse an die Kursleitung zu / By registering, you agree to your email address being passed on to the trainer (siehe auch unsere Datenschutzhinweise).


C2 Proficiency Individual Training (CPE) - Online:

Take control of your exam preparation with our flexible coaching blocks. Book the units you need and get the targeted support to excel in your Cambridge exam. Each coaching block is an individually bookable 5-hour-unit (5 x 45 minutes), which may address any part of the exam that you want extra training in. Your English trainer is experienced in preparing candidates for Cambridge English Qualifications and will give you valuable feedback and tips for exactly those tasks of the exam where your weaknesses lie. Each 5-hour block can either be used to work on a single exam component or to practise different parts. Use these blocks to gain confidence in Speaking, Writing, Listening or Reading & Use of English, depending on where you would like to improve before your exam day.

Once you have registered for the course, please contact bz-englisch@stadt.nuernberg.de to book your individual appointments with your online tutor. If you need even more support, you can simply book an additional 5-hour block.

If you double up with a partner for the Speaking component of the exam, the cost can be divided by two.


C2 Proficiency Digital Exam (CPE):

Thursday, 5.06.2025 (written components approx. 8:30 – 14:00 + speaking test in the afternoon)

Resultat bis / results by 13.06.2025


You will take this exam on site at the Bildungszentrum on a computer.


C2 Proficiency is the most advanced Cambridge qualification and is recognised by all universities in Britain; see www.cambridgeenglish.org/why-cambridge-english/global-recognition). The level required is higher than that of Abitur. The CPE exam has four papers, ie Reading including Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking. You will be tested on your comprehension of authentic reading and listening texts, on your command of idiomatic vocabulary and advanced grammar structures, on writing skills (e.g. presenting an argument, writing a report, letter or essay) and on speaking in a pair interview.


Cambridge English Qualifications

Cambridge English qualifications are taken by over 5 million people each year and recognised by more than 25,000 universities, employers and governments globally; see www.cambridgeenglish.org/why-cambridge-english/global-recognition). They test your spoken and written English, your understanding of authentic reading and listening texts and your knowledge of vocabulary and grammatical usage. The examinations share a common format but differ in details and above all in the level of competence required. Details: www.cambridgeenglish.org/


Testing your Level

To check your level ask for our placement test or visit our website (Einstufungstests).

Material will be provided by the trainer.

Der Kurs findet online über unsere Lernplattform www.vhs.cloud statt (Registrierung erforderlich). Alle Informationen zu Registrierung und technischen Voraussetzungen finden Sie unter Online-Lernen.


  • Plätze 6 Plätze, frei , Einstieg jederzeit
  • Anzahl 1 Termin (0 Einheiten)
  • Termin Donnerstag, 09.01.2025
  • Uhrzeit 09:00 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr