Cambridge English Language Assessment
Cambridge English Qualifications
B1 Preliminary Exam paper-based (PET)
Anmeldeschluss Di., 18.03.2025 / Prüfung kann nur stattfinden, wenn zum Anmeldeschluss die Mindestkandidatenzahl erreicht ist!
- Kursnummer: 82709
- Art: Präsenz
Cambridge English B1 Preliminary (PET) Exam:
Saturday, 10.05.2025 (written components approx. 8:30 – 12:30 + speaking test in the afternoon)
Resultat bis / results by 20.06.2025
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Please download this registration form and send it to the address given on the form.
Eine Rückerstattung der Prüfungsgebühr nach dem angegebenen Anmeldeschluss ist grundsätzlich nicht möglich. Bei Vorlage eines ärztlichen Attests innerhalb von 2 Wochen nach der Prüfung erstatten wir 50 % der Gebühr.
A reimbursement of the examination fee after the specified deadline is not possible. The only exception: If you submit a medical certificate within two weeks of the exam, we will refund 50 % of the fee.
B1 Preliminary (PET) is the exam that shows you have mastered the basics in that you can read simple textbooks and articles in English, write letters and emails on everyday subjects, take meeting notes and show awareness of opinions and mood in spoken and written English. The general level is that of ‘Mittlerer Schulabschluss’.
PET is made up of four papers that test your English skills: ‘Reading’ shows you can understand the main points from signs, newspapers and messages. ‘Writing’ shows that you can use vocabulary and structure correctly. In ‘Listening’ you have to be able to understand a range of spoken materials including announcements and discussions about everyday life. In ‘Speaking’ you take part in a conversation by asking and answering questions and talking, for example, about your likes and dislikes (pair interview with two candidates and two examiners). Further details:
To check your level ask for our placement test or visit our website (Einstufungstests).
Cambridge English Qualifications
Cambridge English qualifications are taken by over 5 million people each year and are recognised by more than 25,000 universities, employers and governments globally; see The examinations test your spoken and written English, your understanding of authentic reading and listening texts and your knowledge of vocabulary and grammatical usage. They share a common format but differ in details and above all in the level of competence required. Details:
In Kalender-Datei speichern (.ics)
Datum | Uhrzeit | Raum | Kursleitung |
Samstag, 10.05.2025 |
von 08:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr |
Fabersaal E.14 (Bildungszentrum), Seminarraum E.21 (Bildungszentrum), Seminarraum E.06 (Bildungszentrum) |
Diese Veranstaltung ist nicht im Internet buchbar
159,00 Euro
- Plätze 24 Plätze, frei
- Anzahl 1 Termin (8 Einheiten)
- Termin Samstag, 10.05.2025
08:00 Uhr
- 18:00 Uhr